About Us

Children's painting; Full of inspiration, beauty and creativity.

Welcome to PAXENS™ ; A worldwide artistic-humanitarian program to develop children’s artistic talents, inspire and support them.

We created this platform to display children’s arts in order to grow their creativity. We want to highlight the role of children in today’s life. We believe that with the presence of children in society as creative and artist, we will have a much healthier and peaceful society.

Delighted World through Pure Sense & Precious Art

Children are carries purity sense, and the reason we lunch this project simply is: apply this purity senses into our current life; bring joy, elegance and hope. Today's modern art world, combined with digital, has taken us away from our origin. Children's natural arts - created with a pure sense and a calm mind - give our lives freshness and a sublime spirit.

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Children On The Earth
Forcibly Displaced Children
Malnutrition Children
Children are free spirits. No restrictions have limited them and their imaginary world. Their imagination moves freely to and fro. Children's painting is a prime example of this freedom. Their world has no boundaries (like adults). That's why they are potential artists.
Mohamad Reza Ariai
Founder of PAXENS