PAXENS website is available to all people of the world to display children’s paintings and art works (2 to 12 years old) digitally. We adhere to the principles of data protection law and understand the best way to manage information. We regularly review our processes and keep all data safe. We may update this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of any major changes by posting a new privacy policy on the website, and participants’ emails.

Data Policies

When you visit the site, it automatically and commonly records general information such as country of origin, browser type or pages of the site you are visiting, time spent on those pages, time and date of access. We use this information to monitor and analyze the use of the site and the technical management of the site, to increase the efficiency and usability of our site and to better adapt the site to the needs of our visitors. We also use this information to verify that visitors to the site are real people (not robots).

Our site does not create any Cookies (a small file stored on your computer’s hard drive). During surfing our website, no information is stored on your computer.

Contact / Personal Information

Contact and personal information about participants is used to identify or contact. But it is limited to the child’s first name, country name, Email address, phone (optional) and age. Contact information (including Email and phone) is not displaying on the website at all and is only stored securely in our database. We never share or sell data.

We primarily use contact information to improve services, and to interact and answer your questions. For example, after sending the painting, we will send you a confirmation and appreciation message and ask you to contact us through our email. Or if your painting has a problem with the quality or blurry image, we’ll let you know. We also use contact information to send newsletters, and other information that you may be interested in.

But whenever you decide that you no longer want to receive such communications from us, or would like to remove your painting from the site, let us know by email.

Acceptance or Rejection Paintings

Sending paintings is by digital submission. We only need the paintings file (not the original by mail). Participants take a photo of the painting with a scanner or digital camera or mobile phone and upload it to the site. (We also accept paintings via email.) We accept and value any painting model, any technique, any type of media and style, whether it is a simple painting (a few simple lines) or a very professional painting. We believe children’s painting even some simple lines are valuable and precious.

We always adjust the paintings to make them look better (including brightness and transparency, smoothing, clearing stains, etc.) but if the quality of the painting is too low and we can not adjust it at all, we let you know via email. We inform you that you can send us a better quality version of the painting.

We will also notify you by email if your painting or “optional text” contains violent, sexual or offensive content about religion or an attitude or belief (which disrespects people). We inform you that you send us a painting by better topic.

But we accept paintings with topics about difficult living conditions (topics like families living in war zones, or asylum seekers who have terrible conditions) if without violent content, or referring to a particular government or state.